Funktionelle und morphologische Unterschiede der Muskelmitochondrien beim chronischen Müdigkeitssyndrom und beim Post-COVID-Syndrom
Although CFS and PCS exhibit increased fatigue and mitochondrial capacity is impaired in both populations, the progressed pathological morphological alterations in CFS suggest structural changes due to prolonged inactivity or unknown molecular causes like increased ROS production compared to the probably direct virus-induced changes in PCS. Although the decreased OXPHOS capacity in PCS per se may be a result of disease-caused physical inactivity, the significantly lower complex I activity suggests a treatment target in this population due to its first role in the electron gradient machinery and importance in energy production. The increased morphological changes in CFS in the subsarcolemmal area suggest long-term adaptation processes, whereas changes in PCS mitochondrial function seem to be related to a direct impact of the virus.
Astrozyten beeinflussen unser Verhalten
A single gene in astrocytes can constrain repetitive behaviours, indicating that these cells are regulators of behavioural disruption in conditions such as Huntington’s disease and obsessive–compulsive disorder.